Februar 2007

Monthly Archive

Warning: anyone with a laptop and a wireless access could commit a terrorist act

Posted by on 19 Feb. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...

This is something. Just heard that Vancouver, yeah, this town in Canada, decided to create a city-wide wireless network. For public use, great. I think so, I’m not sure about who is destroying which spectrum range where in this case (just see the list of free networks there), and if this ‚free‘ is than free as in beer or whatever, but: There is a bigger problem.

vsun.pngDid you knew that anyone in Vancouver with a laptop and a wireless net can… [1]. Yes, you did? Damned. Crazy people over there. And high-skilled to. Or, as the image shows, there might also be a graphical interface for interfering with the train system – so its suitable for newbie terrorists, eeh, model railway fans too? Incredible. Dream of it, never waiting for train, just take one. And go wherever you like.

But as usually if something new is so great, there are always people which have to complain about it. For instance this Mark Fenton, who got a job there as a Detective in the Computer Crime Unit – Internet Investigations at the Vancouver Police Department and now is against web-interfaces for terrorists, or so. I don’t get it!

Virtual Identity extension 0.4.0pre released

Posted by on 17 Feb. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking, virtual id

…it has been a long while since I programmed the last bits for the Virtual Identity extension. With Virtual Identity you can create an Identity while writing an email in Thunderbird, without using the usual Settings Interface ‘on the fly’. It’s really handy if you have your own domain and use different email-addresses for different recipients, for instance to prevent spam.

But, the extension wasn’t compatible with the upcoming Thunderbird 2.0. And as much as I like the program, I missed the often requested feature to scan headers for reply addresses. So I had to change it. And what a long way, at the end I decided to write the whole thing once again. Viola, there it is, the preview is ready and can be downloaded virtual_identity-0.4.0pre-mz+tb.xpi

Features of the new Version:

  • smoother integration in the Thunderbird Interface
  • use specified mail-headers for Smart Reply feature (needs installed enigmail or mnenhy extension)
  • allow saving of Drafts/Templates keeping Virtual Identity stored (requires Thunderbird 2.0)
  • compatible with Thunderbird 2.0

sounds good? Ok, than try it, and please report any bugs or problems. And feel free to contact me if you like to translate the extension in your language…

Opennet-Firmware 0.11-11 / 0.9-on4 released

Posted by on 17 Feb. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking

wow, lost in cyberspace I not only forgot a lot of friends (sorry, will not happen again 😉 ), I also forgot to announce the final release of the opennet-firmware. Hope this also will not happen again. So, late but also there, the announcement: Opennet-Firmware 0.11-11 released. It’s now compatible with the OpenWRT release 0.9 but can also be used on rc5 or rc6 as the former versions. And as usually, the complete firmware is also available, its now the on4 release.

If you have any questions how this firmware might be useful for you, or why not, feal free to ask.