Virtual Identity extension 0.4.0pre released

Posted by on 17 Feb. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking, virtual id

…it has been a long while since I programmed the last bits for the Virtual Identity extension. With Virtual Identity you can create an Identity while writing an email in Thunderbird, without using the usual Settings Interface ‘on the fly’. It’s really handy if you have your own domain and use different email-addresses for different recipients, for instance to prevent spam.

But, the extension wasn’t compatible with the upcoming Thunderbird 2.0. And as much as I like the program, I missed the often requested feature to scan headers for reply addresses. So I had to change it. And what a long way, at the end I decided to write the whole thing once again. Viola, there it is, the preview is ready and can be downloaded virtual_identity-0.4.0pre-mz+tb.xpi

Features of the new Version:

  • smoother integration in the Thunderbird Interface
  • use specified mail-headers for Smart Reply feature (needs installed enigmail or mnenhy extension)
  • allow saving of Drafts/Templates keeping Virtual Identity stored (requires Thunderbird 2.0)
  • compatible with Thunderbird 2.0

sounds good? Ok, than try it, and please report any bugs or problems. And feel free to contact me if you like to translate the extension in your language…

Opennet-Firmware 0.11-11 / 0.9-on4 released

Posted by on 17 Feb. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking

wow, lost in cyberspace I not only forgot a lot of friends (sorry, will not happen again 😉 ), I also forgot to announce the final release of the opennet-firmware. Hope this also will not happen again. So, late but also there, the announcement: Opennet-Firmware 0.11-11 released. It’s now compatible with the OpenWRT release 0.9 but can also be used on rc5 or rc6 as the former versions. And as usually, the complete firmware is also available, its now the on4 release.

If you have any questions how this firmware might be useful for you, or why not, feal free to ask.

next Opennet-Firmware 0.11-9pre10 pre-release

Posted by on 22 Jan. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking

A lot of comments came in over the weekend, so I adapted some small things and released a new version. Current one is RC6-ON1rc3 or 0.11-9pre10c. Check this out 😉

Opennet-Firmware 0.11-9pre10 pre-release

Posted by on 20 Jan. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking

cimg0114_mod_small.jpgSo, a new version of the firmware used in our Wireless Community Network is just in front of us. After hacking nearly a whole week I adapted the current firmware to the newly released OpenWRT RC6 and made a lot of improvements regarding CPU-load and flashspace usage. And hopefully cleaned more bugs than I added, but nobody knows… 😉

Called the thing a pre-release, cause it just has to be tested for some days in our network. You can download and test the firmware at the following links, but be warned, its a very Opennet-specific solution by now and the web-interface is only in German. But both aspects will change soon, else there won’t be any way to continue with my project in India.

To install the opennet-firmware ads a package on an plain OpenWRT whiterussian RC5/RC6 you have to add the Opennet-Package-Repository to your ipkg.config.

Or you use the complete firmware below, at your own risk. The initial password is admin.

Have fun with it, I’m now ready for the real world again and it’s time to go on a party this evening. I think the MS Stubnitz is the right place to go, cause it’s hopefully still stormy like yesterday here. And the MS Stubnitz is back from Amsterdam since two days, so it’s time to go there.

Virtual Identity v 0.3.5b

Posted by on 09 Jan. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking, virtual id

A new Thunderbird is on the horizon (v 0.2b1) and some emails reminding me of updating the Virtual Identity extension (see [1], [2]) for usage with the new release. As usual, it’s time to solve some problems and go trough the list of bugs, so I did. And I added some features too.

  • the smart-reply window was sometimes hidden by other windows. Changed the behaivior to wait for the MessageComposeWindow to shown up till a decision in the SmartReply-Dialog was made.
  • smart-reply till now only compared email adresses, not the full names beneath them. But sometimes the email address is always the same, but the full name changes for different recipients. So changed the behaivior.
  • In Thunderbird 2.0b I am able to retrieve an URI of the original email while editing a Draft. So its possible to extract the former senders address. Which means: Now emails with an virtual identity can be saved and edited afterwards, without any problems.

For a testing phase I released a beta version of the upcoming extension, feel free to try it and please report any problems or suggestions. You can find this release under

The „Paragraph style Drop-Down Menu inoperable if VirtualIdentity installed„-bug is still open, see my entry in the xulplanet forum. Any help appreciated!

back to the roots

Posted by on 09 Jan. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...

Only after a few hours listening to music my some years old amplifier died unexpectedly last week. I decided that any rescue-attempt is not worth the effort and looked for an old amplifier I builded ages ago. Found it, plugged it in and after some small fixes I’m now as proud as I was in the last days of eastern germany with my homemade technology. Great 😉


And now I like to share this impression with you. 😉 Do you realize what the remote control was in her former live?

GXP 2000 XML phonebook from VCARD

Posted by on 09 Jan. 2007 | Tagged as: Hacking

Using my Grandstream GXP 2000 since a few days, I liked to get all my adresses from an electronical addressbook to it. I found the possibillity to upload a phonebook as XML (see [1] and [2]) and so I wrote a small script to convert VCARDS (as for instance exported from kaddressbook) into the appropriate format.

You can download version 0.2 of the script at

Just call it with the addressbook (in the below example the kde kaddressbook) as a parameter and you can send the output to the file you offer your phone than (in my case /var/www/localhost/htdocs/grandstream/gs_phonebook.xml)

vcard2gxp.awk /home/user/.kde/share/apps/kabc/std.vcf >/var/www/localhost/htdocs/grandstream/gs_phonebook.xml

So Tell The Girls That I Am Back In Town

Posted by on 02 Jan. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...

Just arrived from Berlin, i was greeted with a song from Jay Jay Johanson, played few minutes ago on radio lohrolisten to this song at amazon


Ive been on the road
Ive been on vacation
Ive been travelling light to reach my final destination

Now Im coming home

So tell the girls that I am back in town
Continue Reading »

Back to the realworld

Posted by on 21 Dez. 2006 | Tagged as: India 06

cimg0055_small.jpgSoll ich mich freuen? Ich bin mitten in der Verlängerung 😉 Gleich bei der Ankunft begrüßt micht der Hinweis: ‚flight delayed due to operational reasons‘ delayed. 4,5 Stunden. Operational Reasons, schöne beruhigende Erklärung.

Und also ne Nacht auf dem Delhier Flughafen um die Ohren geschlagen. Früh um fünf gings dann los, der Anschlussflug von Moskau nach Berlin wurde gleich mit umgebucht, statt 10.30Uhr gehts nun 16.55Uhr zurück nach D-land. Und so seh ich die alte Heimat nun gleich am dunkelsten Tag des Jahres im Dunkeln. Nunja, nix zu machen.

cimg0059_small.jpgGerade sitz ich in Moskau-Scheremetevo, wir waren kurz vor dem Abflug des Originalflugs da, als wir das gepeilt haben wars allerdings zu spät. Und ob das mit dem Gepäck dann geklappt hätte, wer weiß. Also sechs Stunden Transitzone, draussen sind minus 13 Grad, schade dass ich nicht raus darf.

Kurz nach Mittag festgestellt, daß der Guten-Morgen-Flug nach Berlin immer noch da war – Abflugzeit 12.20. Wir durften aber nicht mehr an Bord, da das Essen schon an Bord war und nicht reichen würde, soviel zu absurden Begründungen. Übrigns ist die Maschine noch nichtsdestoweniger geflogen, weil in Berlin zu krasses Wetter ist. Was ist denn dort los?

Wollt ich wenigstens Internet nutzen, 25euro für 2 Stunden. Die spinnen hier völlig. Also nix mit live-bloggen.

Beim rumsitzen Tyll und Elke kennengelernt. Erster ist Mathematiker/Physiker an der TU Berlin und am MPI Leipzig, ein Arbeitsschwerpunkt sind Quantencomputer. Elke ist Lehrerin in Brandenburg, alo viel gelabert und den Nachmittag so doch recht gut rumbekommen. Aber nun bin ich völlig müde, hoffentlich im Flugzeug noch mal ne Weile schlafen und dann gegen sechs abends in Berlin, Urlaubsende feiern. Genau, so wars dann auch. Und ab jetzt wird etwas weniger hektisch gebloggt 😉

# Auf dem Moskauer Flughafen wimmelt es nur so von unverschlüsselten WLAN-Netzen. Mit spannenden Namen wie Cargo oder regstaer-sh1 oder VIP-international. Könnt grad günstig nen Mietwagen buchen 😉 #

Delhi, last day

Posted by on 20 Dez. 2006 | Tagged as: India 06

Nach der Ankunft in Delhi ein Prepaid-Taxi bezahlt, 160rp, und die Info bekommen, dass wir draussen eines der schwarz-gelben Taxis nehmen sollen. Nehmen! Wenn das mal so einfach wäre. Die wollten uns alle nicht, keine Ahnung wie man sich ein ‚Taxi nimmt‘. Nach ner chaotischen Wieder-in-Delhi-Phase dann irgendwie eins zugeteilt bekommen und prima bis zu Akhai und Soso gekommen.

Schön, ein bischen zu Hause zu sein in Delhi. Soso und Akhai wohnen etwas ausserhalb, mitten in Delhi, aber eben nicht im Chaos des Main-Bazaar.

Den letzten Tag ruhig angehen lassen, mittags etwas shoppen gewesen und stressfrei die letzten Eindrücke von Delhi aufgesaugt. Soso hatte mittlerweile ihren Job gekündigt, Akhai war hat seinen ersten Urlaubstag genossen, vorweihnachtliche Stimmung nicht nur bei Soso&Akhai zu Hause, auch Delhi ist winterlich kälter, knapp 20 Grad, und ab und zu weihnachtliches Geblinke. Ne langsame Einstimmung.


Abends hat Hugo dann ‚Age of Empire‘ im lokalen Netzwerk installiert, Akhai und Hugo waren dann verständlicherweise busy 😉 Ich hab mir ne Punjabi-Video DVD angeschaut, Abschied auch von der viel zu selten gehörten Musik.

Ein paar Bier und ein leckeres Abendessen später gings dann ab zum Flughafen. Klar, das Geld fürs Taxi hat natürlich nicht gereicht. Ich hatte noch 255rp, Taxometer-Ergebnis waren etwa 370rp. Zum Glück kennen alle Akhai den Kameramann, also mit seinem gutn Namen bezahlt 😉

Und ab in den Flughafen, Indien, byebye!

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