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german freedom

Posted by on 25 Juni 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...

cimg0067.jpgyeah, thats Germany. The way I hate it. Since a fascist shop and meeting place nearby opened one week ago, the local people are protesting against this place. In different ways, as different as people are, but with the same attitude: to close down this shop (see [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]).

Yesterday there was a spontaneous demonstration, I ended in custody for just being there (oh yes, formally it’s legal to take part in a spontaneous demonstration, but who cares) (see [1] [2] [3] and don’t believe the media). And this night I was searched on my way home by some police guys and they described me an ‚exclusion zone‘ near my own home where I’m not allowed to go in. Great. Ever new what freedom in German meant.

cimg0083.jpgJa, das ist Deutschland. So wie ich es hasse. Seit ein Naziladen hier in der Nähe aufgemacht hat, protestieren die Anwohner gegen diesen Laden. Auf verschiedene Weise, genauso wie verschieden die Leute eben sind, aber alle mit dem selben Ziel: diesen Laden dicht zu machen (vgl. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]).

Gestern war ne spontane Demonstration gegen den Laden, ich endete in Gewahrsam nur weil ich dabei war (klar, ist legal ne Spontandemo, aber stört hier keinen) (vgl. [1] [2] [3] und glaub den Medien nicht). Und nun hab ich auf dem Weg nach Hause nen Platzverweis bekommen, darf mich nicht mal mehr in meinem Kiez bewegen wie ich will. Super. Wusste schon immer was Freiheit in Deutschland bedeutet.

G2 meeting in Heiligendamm

Posted by on 18 Juni 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...

Two weeks after the G8 me and my mother had been for a short – and much cheaper – G2 meeting in Heiligendamm. Some impressions of the area are available if you click on the photo.

Zwei Wochen nach dem G8 Treffen in Heiligendamm habe ich mit meiner Mutter ein – wesentlich billigeres – G2 Treffen in Heiligendamm veranstaltet. Ein Klick auf das Bild nebenan gibt einige Impressionen dieses Ausflugs.

G8 nearly over, some souvenirs available

Posted by on 08 Juni 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...

screen1.pngcheck this out, maybe it’s something for you: http://cgi.ebay.de/…ViewItem… 😉

Offer was removed from ebay, seems that you are too late. Regards from the G8-town Rostock, soon I’ll be back on my blog and will write more regularly.

Wave of Repression against anti-G8 structures

Posted by on 10 Mai 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...

Press release, Gipfelsoli Info Group, Campinski Press Group 09.May.2007 12:24:

Since Wednesday (May 9, 2007) morning 8 am a wave of searches is taking places against left structures throughout Germany. Targeted are social projects and private persons that are organizing against the coming G8 summit – or suspected to do so.

In Berlin at least seven flats and office spaces are being searched, amongst which two offices in Bethanien, a social center in Kreuzberg, Berlin, and the Fusion shop in the same district. The latter is a space used by an antifascist organization and the Interventionist Left. Moreover, a bookshop in Mehringhof and the office spaces of several alternative media projects in Lausitzer Straße have been searched.

The criminal investigation police was putting special attention on the alternative Internet server so36.net. Many left and alternative projects have their websites, mailing lists and mail addresses hosted there. This way, the communication structure of the anti-G8 movement is hit on a sensible point.

In Hamburg the repression is aimed against the social center „Rote Flora“ and diverse housing projects. Also in the surrounding of Berlin searches are taking place. And there are first reports about searches in the city of Bremen.

The orders for the searches are based on § 129a: „Formation of a terrorist association with the aim to stop the G8 summit“. The random selection out of many left housing and infrastructural projects makes clear that the investigation is used as an excuse in order to weaken the mobilization against the G8. „Probably diverse cases of property damage serve as an excuse for these investigations“, so the impression of the Campinski Press Group. One of these cases occurred at the Kempinski Hotel, where the G8 summit is going to take place. The hotel was targeted with paint balls some months ago.

The context of a §129a investigation are instrumentalized in order to gather data about the protest movement. Besides, such measures have, most likely intended, intimidating effects. Only 2% of all $129a investigations result in sentencing.

However: „Who invites the G8 summit, also invites the protest against it“, explains Hanne Jobst of the Berlin Bethanien office. „All attempts to criminalize this movement will not prevent us from exposing worldwide inequalities during the G8 summit.“

The repressive acts of the criminal investigation police are not entirely surprising. The left and radical left resistance against the G8 has reached an uncontrollable level for the police. „So far, the police only tried to split the resistance in the public media through hallucinating about an army of ‚anarchists‘. Now they will try to sabotage the organizational structures“, Jobst explains further.

„It is noteworthy that the searches are targeted against all those parts of the resistance that refuse to direct claims to the G8, because they refuse the G8 in general as an illegitimate institution“, explains a spokesperson of the Gipfelsoli Info Group.

other media: indymedia de, indymedia uk, indymedia uk, CNN, BBC

Virtual Identity 0.4.1 is released

Posted by on 25 Apr. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ..., Hacking, virtual id

It took longer than I expected, but I think it was worth to include a lot of feature-requests and get rid of some bugs. Many thanks to you all who gave me reports and suggestions and translations and thank-you-mails, without this feedback the extension would have been not even half as nice as it is by now. So as you see, I like the result of the last weeks work, and I hope you will enjoy it too. Don’t like to mention the list of bug-fixes again, just the list of new features compared to version 0.4.0:

  • you can now sort the header any way you like, also exclude ‚to‘ or ‚cc‘ as you like it, but you have to tell Virtual Identity that it has to use those headers. So change your settings and add ‚to‘ and ‚cc‘ to the list of headers. A header name now refers to all headers of that name, not like before only the outmost one of you mail. To select a specific header, just use the number of it’s occurrence, so for instance „:3“ and add it to the headername. And if you wish to use only the email address and not the name, then simply add „:@“.
  • reading the headers was in version 0.4.0 dependent on installed mnenhy or enigmail. Now it’s independent on other extensions, so you are free to use whatever you like (but to protect the freedom of having secrets the same way as the freedom of choice or the freedom of speach, you might choose to install enigmail anyway)
  • added a nice debug-window, which helps you understanding what Virtual Identity really does. using complex filter rules you might get very creative, and this is the place to look if it doesn’t work as expected. This debug information is also helpful for me to understand how and when problems occur if you are sending a bug report.

Ok, here you can find the recent release 0.4.1, and, tadaa, there will be a documentation soon (have a look at the work in progress)

feed the MAC – software report

Posted by on 22 Apr. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ..., macbook

adium.pngThan I had to install some additional software to enjoy the Mac, we’ll see if I keep them for my mother.

First, there is Adium, an Instant Messenger which is able to handle ICQ, Jabber and doesn’t bug you with .Mac (like iChat does). Nice one, but till now I don’t have found how to keep the program at the dock after starting – it always shows you the contact window. Continue Reading »

HP Deskjet 995c mac mac mac

Posted by on 22 Apr. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ..., macbook

Nearly as fast as I got the MacBook, I received the printer I bought at eBay. Just told you, I bought an HP Deskjet 995c, cause this one has bluetooth included and I liked to make the system as flexible as possible. First impression, it’s an heavy printer – the weight of around 6,5kg remembered me on some russian technology… Continue Reading »

Virtual Identity extension 0.4.1pre4 released

Posted by on 22 Apr. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ..., Hacking, virtual id

A small bug in pre3 caused disabled the whole extension if in the preferences for the place where sended messages should be saved the settings of the default Identity were selected. Thanks to Guy for reporting and helping tracing the bug. New pre-release 0.4.1pre4 fixes this issue.

0.4.1pre3 … „Release early. Release often. …

Posted by on 19 Apr. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ..., Hacking, virtual id

… And listen to your customers.“ So Keith had a good point in telling me that version 0.4.1pre2 destroys the HeaderView. Yes, I managed to read all headers without any other extension in 0.4.1pre2, but ignored existent (already showed) mail headers. Cause the extension adds new headers to the HeaderView and hides them, also existent Headers where hidden.

So, repaired this one and the now released pre-version 0.4.1pre3 should solve the problem. Thanks Keith (and all the others) for testing and reporting.

Virtual Identity 0.4.1pre2 released

Posted by on 18 Apr. 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ..., Hacking, virtual id

Few days ago I released the preview of Virtual Identity and thought of finishing the programming on it for a while. But usually if you think thats it you’ll enter the next level. Olav and Patrick, programmers of the enigmail extension, told me that they changed their extension for the new upcoming Thunderbird release. And cause of that I couldn’t rely on their extension for retrieving the headers, so one of the main features of Virtual Identity 0.4x (looking for Identities in additional headers) would not have worked in the future.

But much better, they gave me the hint about how to retrieve all mail headers in Thunderbird, so I was able to implement a much nicer solution than the one Virtual Identity used before. And (if you are running at least Thunderbird or Seamonkey) it’s now completely independent from any other extensions like mnenhy or enigmail. Additionally I cleaned the option to select a specific header out of headers with the same name (now a mentioned header will match all headers with that name, for selecting the first one just add ‚:1‘). Ok, the new version is pre-released now, download Virtual Identity 0.4.1pre2, try it and report any problems.

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