german freedom
Posted by rene on 25 Juni 2007 at 02:11 am | Tagged as: ... ? ...
yeah, thats Germany. The way I hate it. Since a fascist shop and meeting place nearby opened one week ago, the local people are protesting against this place. In different ways, as different as people are, but with the same attitude: to close down this shop (see [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]).
Yesterday there was a spontaneous demonstration, I ended in custody for just being there (oh yes, formally it’s legal to take part in a spontaneous demonstration, but who cares) (see [1] [2] [3] and don’t believe the media). And this night I was searched on my way home by some police guys and they described me an ‚exclusion zone‘ near my own home where I’m not allowed to go in. Great. Ever new what freedom in German meant.
Ja, das ist Deutschland. So wie ich es hasse. Seit ein Naziladen hier in der Nähe aufgemacht hat, protestieren die Anwohner gegen diesen Laden. Auf verschiedene Weise, genauso wie verschieden die Leute eben sind, aber alle mit dem selben Ziel: diesen Laden dicht zu machen (vgl. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]).
Gestern war ne spontane Demonstration gegen den Laden, ich endete in Gewahrsam nur weil ich dabei war (klar, ist legal ne Spontandemo, aber stört hier keinen) (vgl. [1] [2] [3] und glaub den Medien nicht). Und nun hab ich auf dem Weg nach Hause nen Platzverweis bekommen, darf mich nicht mal mehr in meinem Kiez bewegen wie ich will. Super. Wusste schon immer was Freiheit in Deutschland bedeutet.
Well! I hope you were wearing the correct outfit for your incarceration! You must be really important and living in a really important place for them to get all worried about you 😉
What is this fascist place?
Wird ja immer besser, gedruckte Platzverweise mit Kartenausschnitt hatte ich bisher noch nicht gesehen. Die bereiten sich wohl auf eine längere Verweildauer des Ladens vor. Na erstmal abwarten.
Viel Kraft und Ausdauer!
Hi Tracey,
would be great to be important, than I surely would have more luxury. And tell you next time I expect something similar I’ll wear a mattress the whole day, just to be on the safe side. It protects you from hurting yourself as much on police tonfas and gives you something to lay on the concrete floor they prepared for your night.
Yeah, this fascist place is a small shop, which doesn’t look so suspicious at the beginning. But it is founded by a german extreme right movement and sells all the usual Nazi-crap. Financed by the overregional german nationalists, the slogan of the shop is ‚from the movement for the movement‘. And it is now a meeting point for organized nationalists, but I hope this won’t be for long.
Hi zen,
ja, originell das mit dem Kartenausschnitt. Und endlich mal wieder Polizei im Kiez, konnte schon kaum noch ohne einschlafen. Alles wird gut,
Grüße Regards,
scarry! do they have shaved heads, wear black and big boots and are quite pale and pasty! Ick! Be careful darling, they do not do judo those ones but unethical street figting and wrestling! No class but well hurtfull and effective!
…quite alarming all this fucking nazi-shit. On the other hand it is good to see that there is a strong restistance against it… but do you think that Mr Methling or whoever will really close down the shop?