Sonntag, März 18th, 2007
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Posted by rene on 18 März 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...
what a long story 😉 but to make it short, I finally released the data compendium about school history on my own. Seven years after the project is finished, five years after the digital version and the print-version (except some 20pages from the project leader) were ready, I waited till it might had been published by the project leader, Prof. Peter Drewek. But this didn’t happen, and I lost the hope that it might be released to the scientific community years ago.
But I had the finished digital version of this data compendium on my hard drive and I was told so often that this data is unique worldwide, describing school history in such a detail for around 100 years. That’s why I decided to publish the whole thing on my own in the Internet. To finally finish this project and give the work of all people, who participated over six years in this project any sense. And not at least to publish the empirical references of my PhD-work, which is by now also 3 years old.
So, if you are interested in school history and not afraid of 2600 structured data sheets of empirical data, have a look at (and just excuse, it’s all in German there.)