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Posted by rene on 08 Mrz 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...
Today, you might have noticed this, is the International Womans Day. 150 years ago, on the 8th of march 1857, woman in New York organized a protest for their rights which was violently turned down. Maybe those historical backgrounds are not more than myths (see Kandel/Picq (fr) or Bader-Zaar (de)), but it’s time to look around and see what happened since than. A lot of things have changed, mostly by woman who fought for their rights them self. And there are enough things which had to be changed till we can speak of gender equality – just switch on your favorite news program, count people by their gender and you will see who still has the power to control this world.
This is the day to thank woman (for their patience?) and it has converted in my home-country to a day we give our woman some flowers. But are flowers a way to change the world? Sometimes. But isn’t it just conserving current gender inequalities if you give a woman some flowers in this day, telling her she should just wait another year for their rights?
So, real man, go out, buy yourself some flowers and think of how much you have to change to make this world a place to enjoy for all of us. And than, ok, give our woman some flowers too to tell them thank you for living with us another year.
Posted by rene on 04 Mrz 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...
These days. So Tracey gave me the tip to add some pink to my blog, and some flowers too. And yes, to wear some pink, which is not as easy as it seems, but I choosed black instead, think this is ok too. Thats what real man do these days, and thats all what I like to be now, also when it hurts my eyes a little bit 😉
So just have a look at Tracey’s blog if you like to know what real woman are doing and wearing…
Posted by rene on 04 Mrz 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ..., Hacking
Yesterday was another hands-on day to get our wireless network working better. Since more than a year we can use a church in our neighborhood as a Routing-Point for our network. The first installation from last spring was well made but never as useful as expected. So it was time to remade the whole thing. This time we decided to first install a test setup and make the whole installation more flexible than the last time.
We installed a 11b/g router to cover the ground and a 11a (5GHz) router to possibly create a backbone soon. Cause we are currently got the permission to use a hospital in the south of our town to install some routers and a local radio station gives us some connectivity, this is hopefully step to a better internet-supply for the whole area. We will see if we get the whole thing better this time. It will also be our first experience with the 11a/5GHz standard, we expect a much better throughput cause of less noise in this band.
Posted by rene on 19 Feb 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...
This is something. Just heard that Vancouver, yeah, this town in Canada, decided to create a city-wide wireless network. For public use, great. I think so, I’m not sure about who is destroying which spectrum range where in this case (just see the list of free networks there), and if this ‚free‘ is than free as in beer or whatever, but: There is a bigger problem.
Did you knew that anyone in Vancouver with a laptop and a wireless net can… [1]. Yes, you did? Damned. Crazy people over there. And high-skilled to. Or, as the image shows, there might also be a graphical interface for interfering with the train system – so its suitable for newbie terrorists, eeh, model railway fans too? Incredible. Dream of it, never waiting for train, just take one. And go wherever you like.
But as usually if something new is so great, there are always people which have to complain about it. For instance this Mark Fenton, who got a job there as a Detective in the Computer Crime Unit – Internet Investigations at the Vancouver Police Department and now is against web-interfaces for terrorists, or so. I don’t get it!
Posted by rene on 09 Jan 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...
Only after a few hours listening to music my some years old amplifier died unexpectedly last week. I decided that any rescue-attempt is not worth the effort and looked for an old amplifier I builded ages ago. Found it, plugged it in and after some small fixes I’m now as proud as I was in the last days of eastern germany with my homemade technology. Great 😉
And now I like to share this impression with you. 😉 Do you realize what the remote control was in her former live?
Posted by rene on 02 Jan 2007 | Tagged as: ... ? ...
Just arrived from Berlin, i was greeted with a song from Jay Jay Johanson, played few minutes ago on radio lohro – listen to this song at amazon
Ive been on the road
Ive been on vacation
Ive been travelling light to reach my final destination
Now Im coming home
So tell the girls that I am back in town
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Posted by rene on 23 Sep 2006 | Tagged as: ... ? ...
Nun hab ich also ein erstes Blog im Netz. Mal schauen, ob die Wahl richtig war und mich wordpress beim mich-der-ganzen-Internetwelt-mitteilen unterstützt. Wenn ich hier wirklich viel und regelmässig schreiben sollte, dann schonmal viel Spass allen, die hier lesen.