back to the roots
Posted by rene on 09 Jan. 2007 at 09:02 pm | Tagged as: ... ? ...
Only after a few hours listening to music my some years old amplifier died unexpectedly last week. I decided that any rescue-attempt is not worth the effort and looked for an old amplifier I builded ages ago. Found it, plugged it in and after some small fixes I’m now as proud as I was in the last days of eastern germany with my homemade technology. Great 😉
And now I like to share this impression with you. 😉 Do you realize what the remote control was in her former live?
Good you are back! This is quite the contraption!
A „gsunds Neis“ from Munich
First try: Sewing Machine Foot Pedal
Hi you,
Tracey, thats the future, you know. It was still the future 20 years ago, and the time of such nice-looking devices never passed by, so it must be still somewhere in front of us. So watch out…
Thomas, best wishes for another great year. And nice guess, but the remote was never a foot pedal in any east-german life. And tell you, that we had only a mechanical sewing machine at home, and my mother might have had left me without television for month if I have had broken her machine. So, no!
But till now the best suggestion, I’ll wait for some days and than you can read the answer on this channel 😉
forgot about my question. The remote control was a Calculator, from the wellknown but forgotten company Seneca. I just remember, that in the user manual was written that it was made with technology from space-research, maybe thats why it was so flexible in his existence.
Anyway, I was the only one who knew what it was, so I’ll pend me a extra drink this evening,
I will have one too!
I had this suspicion, a calculator from the „Klassenfeind“.
Remember the old GDR joke?
How does the first 1 MB circuit come to the GDR?
Too late, I think there are not produced anymore. And the company seems to be bankrupt too. Maybe this transformation device was way to far ahead of the recent technology and people didn’t knew how to handle this 😉 Anyway, it’s funny to write in English to you…
So, what about the joke?
Stimmt jetzt reichts…
Nein Nein Rene…ich meine einen Extra Trunk.
So eine alte Taschenrechnerkiste hab ich auch noch rumliegen…mit diesen grünen LED`s…ich hänge am alten Zeug
Antwort für den Witz: mit einer Pershing II
ahso und wegen DDR und selber bauen…ich glaub es gab mal einen der hat einen integrierten Schaltkreis auf analog nachgebaut…so als MMM Exponat…verrückte Zeiten waren das…war das so??
Und wie weit bist Du von Indien entfernt?